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Feed Your Flaws

Why I Started Exfoliating

Why I Started Exfoliating

Recently I’ve been discussing my views on skin care treatments, products, etc. with an old friend who’s interested in learning more. Through some of our conversations, it’s been brought to my attention that there is a lot of controversy out there on exfoliation. There is a lot of confusion whether it is good for us or bad for us — I have heard a little of both.

As I have found myself falling into this pile up of dry and sometimes flaky skin, I’ve conducted some research and tried exfoliating three times a week as recommended by my skin care school teacher. It’s worked wonders for me so far.

1. Exfoliating removes the dead skin cells on the outermost layer of skin.
2. Cell turnover rate is increased which means new cells are formed quicker and skin looks newer. 
3. Exfoliating encourages the stimulation of circulation and blood flow. 
4. It is easier to remove blackheads after exfoliation.  
5. Product penetration is increased through exfoliation which means our cleanser, moisturizer, toner, masks will reach deeper layers of our skin. This makes for great make-up application!
6. Exfoliating increases our skin’s ability to hold moisture.

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