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How I Upgraded My Skin Care Routine

How I Upgraded My Skin Care Routine

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We all have skin and we all need to care for it and it’s always better to be proactive than reactive. Here are some of the best techniques I’ve found to properly balance and treat my skin.  

1. Investing my time and resources into finding the right cleanser for myself was life changing for my skin. I always tell my family your skin is only as good as it it’s cleanser! The right cleanser will balance the pH of your skin, dissolve dirt and keeps pores clean to prepare our skin for other products. A few days out of the week I will cleanse twice a day and sometimes I will use two different cleansers.

2. Exfoliating my face three times a week and this really proved to be effective over time. With the natural build-up of dead skin cells and uncontrolled environmental damages, it’s no wonder my skin was glowing after a few weeks of proper exfoliation. So here’s how I mix it up: with an enzyme scrub, a cleanser on a facial brush, or a dermaplane treatment. Keep in mind the dermaplane can be done twice a month so one treatment and I’m good on exfoliating for about a whole week and then i’ll either use the scrub or a facial brush until the next treatment.

3. Mask once, sometimes twice, a week! I am currently obsessed with the Aztec Indian Healing Clay and how it leaves my skin looking so fresh. This is a relaxing time for me to either sit down for 20 straight minutes and either read or catch up on TV. There are times I am feeling too lazy to mix a mask and that is where these sheet masks make way into my routine!

4. Stop Skipping Toner! Toner removes residue from cleansing or other products and also helps to restore the skin’s pH. It’s something about that temporary tightening on my skin that always reminds me how important this step is.

5. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize – I have let my skin suffer dryness and flakiness long enough and it was time to stop! Sometimes I will use a kelp under eye cream and a homemade hyauloronic acid serum on the rest of my face or rosehip oil. Or I am currently obsessed with this Vitamin-B cream that moisturizes the skin and controls oil.

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